Hot Relationship Maintenance Posts

How To: Compete with a video game for a boyfriend's attention

You know he cares more about you than his precious video games; he just needs a little help showing it. This video gives tips for luring a boyfriend away from video games, by compromising his love of competition and skill-based games with other activities you can enjoy together as a couple. Watch this video dating advice tutorial and learn how to compete with a video game for your boyfriend's attention.

How To: Write a love letter

The love letter is a wonderful way to express your feelings to your love and a handy way of avoiding the possibility of drying up while serenading them face to face. This video shows you how to open your heart through the power of the pen. Learn how to write a love letter that will impress that person you have always wanted. Write a love letter.

How To: Get rid of a hickey

Ah the hickey, that red badge of passion! So spontaneous! So exhilarating! So erotic! So now what are you going to do to hide your love mark? This how-to video will show you what to do with an unwanted hickey. To make your conspicuous hickey less obvious you will need a spoon, freezer, comb, quarter, lipstick, pencil with erase, concealer, and a hot wet facecloth. With these tools your hickey is sure to disappear.

How To: Know if you've found "the one"

Tracey Cox talks about the five key areas of compatibility (chemistry, compatibility, common goals, speed, and timing) that lead to long term relationships. If your relationship meets enough of these criteria then it will likely stand the test of time. Know if you've found "the one".

How To: Say 'I love you' for the first time

You love the person you are with, but how do tell them "I love you" for the time? In this relationship how-to video Tracey Cox discusses the proper timing and methods for telling your partner that you love him/her for the first time. How do you know when the time is right to say "I love you" anyways? She even offers a few 'cheats' for sneaking that first declaration of "I love you" into a conversation. Say 'I love you' for the first time.

How To: Avoid recurring arguments in a relationship

In this how-to video Tracey Cox explains a method for quelling arguments in a relationship. If you find that you and your partner are always arguing about the same things, then Tracy has a way to help you move past it. Watch and learn how to settle your arguments and make your relationship much more peaceful. Avoid recurring arguments in a relationship.

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