Many do not understand principles that govern relationships. What is a relationship? A relationship is an association between two or more people. It is a connection between two individuals. So, what is a purpose of a relationship? The purpose of a relationship is to influence each other. It is vital to note that mankind was never created to be an island. Mankind was created with a need to relate. All relationships are based on needs. If the needs are effectively met in relationships, relationships function. If needs are not effectively met, relationships become malfunction. The needs become the necessary requirement for the effective functioning of all relationships.
Needs control and motivate behaviour. Further more, they determine the fulfilment. You are never fulfilled until your needs are effectively met. The needs dictate the nature of all relationships. So, the key to relationships is meeting needs. Your relationships are very crucial. Those you decide to become close to are of paramount importance. They will decide your future. The quality of your life will always be determined by the quality of the people you have chosen to surround yourself with. The greatest mistake you will ever make is to allow wrong people to gain access in your life. When wrong people leave your life, wrong things stop happening. When right people enter your life, right things begin to happen. If you fail or succeed, it will be because of the people you have decided to give access into your life.
Now, what are some key factors that make relationships work in general? These are:
1. Respect
Respect is a seed. If sown into the fertile soil of others, it returns back to you as a harvest. Respect is a portrait of the value you have for others. You will only respect what you value. What you do not value, you will not respect. No relationship can ever blossom in the garden suffocated by the weeds of disrespect. Families have fallen apart because of disrespect. There is so much strife in the homes, communities and market place because of disrespect. You can never respect others if you do not have respect for yourself. Respect has to start with you, understanding that you are a person of value and significance, only then you can develop the ability to respect others.
2. Forgiveness
We are all capable of making mistakes. It is important that you give others room for their mistakes. Mistakes are the education. This is only true if we learn from them. Someone might offend you today. You could be reminded of the people who took advantage over you in the past. It could be a teacher at school. It could be someone who deserted you. What are you going to do with these thoughts? If truth were to be told, the vast majority of people still carry bitterness and hatred from their past. They have not brought closure or exited their past. You can never reach the future until you make a quality decision to forgive and focus on the future that is ahead of you. Yesterday is gone. Decide from this day to let go of the past and embrace your bright future. Your future is far great compared to your yesterday. Forgiveness is very crucial for you to succeed in your relationships. Now, there are many other key factors that are very crucial for relationships to function but have not been covered in this article.
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