Not a social butterfly? You can go out into the world while ignoring a particular person or just not get caught up in a conversation with anyone at all. With the use of some distracting devices and a little acting you can be on your way.
Follow these tips to make ignoring someone a little less awkward.
You Will Need
* A cell phone
* Pockets
* A new routine
* New contact information
* An mp3 player (optional)
Step 1: Avoid eye contact
Don't make eye contact with someone you want to ignore. If you see them on the street, look away.
Step 2: Keep focused
Focus on using your cell phone or searching for something in your pockets if they try to get your attention.
Use your mp3 player anytime you go anywhere, and pretend to be engrossed in the music if you see someone you don't want to talk to.
Step 3: Cease communication
Cease all communication with the person you are trying to ignore, including e-mail and text messages.
Step 4: Change routine
Change your routine so that you don't run into the person or come into contact with them.
Step 5: Change contact info
Change all of your contact information if you really want to ignore someone.
A study found that people who multitask are less able to ignore irrelevant information and are easily distracted.
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