How do you know if he's The One? Many women find themselves asking this once they've been in a long-term relationship and are considering important future steps like getting married and having kids. S ...
Interracial couples are so common these days that most of us wouldn't even blink at seeing one. But those who grew up in an older generation may have less progressive views than we do about who you sh ...
An ex wife or husband can sometimes be the most difficult obstacle when you're trying to start a relationship with a new boyfriend or girlfriend. Follow these dating tips to keep your past from ruinin ...
If you're last relationships have been dull or need a little bit of spice, then this next tutorial should help. With this video, you'll be finding out how you can add that spice and build anticipation ...
Dan and Jennifer tell us how to deal with passive aggressive behavior with relationships in this video. Being passive aggressive is not really being open with what your feelings are, this ends up ruin ...
In this tutorial, Donna Barnes tells us how to know if your boyfriend still likes his ex. One big sign that your boyfriend is still interested in his ex-girlfriend is if he talks about her a lot. Also ...
In this tutorial, learn all about chocolate and how it has gone from a children's candy to an elegant, high class food. If your bride loves chocolate, wait until she tastes proper gourmet flavors. ...
If you know someone going through depression, this is something that shouldn't be taken lightly. Depressions can last for a long period of time and can cause an individual to question everything aroun ...
Dealing with a prudish girlfriend? In this episode of Ask Dan and Jennifer, hear what advice they have to lend to someone who is hoping to make his girlfriend kiss him! Q. Dear Dan and Jenn,I recent ...